Metam Sodium was registered in the US in 1975 for use as a soil fumigant, followed by Metam potassium in 1994. The theory was to apply these products as a high dose antibiotic in high disease pressure soils. Row crop system yields increased greatly.
Over time, growers have noticed that their expected gains from soil fumigants has steadily decreased. The use of these antibiotics has reduced soil pathogens, but also has had a huge detrimental effect on native beneficial organisms.
Pharmgrade Guardian was born out of the question "Can we achieve the same results that antibiotic soil fumigants have by applying a high dose PROBIOTIC solution?" 5 years of data suggest that not only can those results be matched, they can be exceeded!
Product Information
- 12 gallons per acre broadcast in the fall or spring.
- 5 gallons in furrow at time of planting
- 7-10 gallons applied with regular fertilizer program
- Can be applied through irrigation, spray rig, spray planes
- Over 80% reduction in chemical AI
- Full program typically costs less than chemical alternatives